1. 房型和价格
2. 预订方式(杭州白金汉爵大酒店)
参会人员如果选择入住杭州白金汉爵大酒店,请自行电话联系酒店订房和完成付款,联系人:17681837273 马经理,或18258881318 胡经理。
3. 周边酒店预订方式
4. 由于会议规模较大,请尽量会前通过银行转账方式办理注册手续,并预订酒店房间和支付房费。会议期间是旅游季房源紧张,如未提前注册,会务组将优先安排已提前线上注册并交纳注册费和房费的代表,可能无法保证住宿安排,敬请谅解。
5. 如果您关于住宿有疑问,请联系尹老师(0571-88982532)或吕老师(0571-88982084)。
1. Due to the large size of the conference, please try to complete the registration procedures through bank transfer, and book hotel rooms and pay room fees before the conference. Please contact the managers of the Hangzhou Platinum Hanjue Hotel: Mr. Ma (Tel: 17681837273) or Mr. Hu (Tel: 18258881318) to book the hotel room. The conference is held in the tourism season, that is why there is a possible shortage of accommodation rooms. If registration is not made in advance, the conference team will prioritize participants who have already registered online and paid registration fees and room fees in advance. Otherwise, the accommodation room arrangements may not be guaranteed.
Room Types and Prices:
# Participants who choose "single occupancy" at the time of booking will be assigned single occupancy.
# Participants who choose "double occupancy" at the time of booking can indicate the name of the co-occupants (co-occupants also need to register on this website); Considering that the conference period is the peak tourist season, if the name of the roommate is not specified, the conference team will arrange participants who have not yet confirmed their roommates to share the same room.
2. There are several also hotels within 500-1000 meters around the Hangzhou Platinum Hanjue Hotel, and attendees can also choose to stay in these hotels themselves. The conference is held in the tourism season, that is why there is a possible shortage of accommodation rooms in these hotels. It is also recommended to book in advance to ensure accommodation.
If you have any question regarding the hotel booking, please contact 0571-88982532 (Dr. Yin) or 0571-88982084 (Dr. Lv).