
The session speakers will be invited or selected by the session conveners. If you want to become a session speaker and give a talk in a specific session, please contact the session conveners.


Conveners and contact information

1. Cross-kingdom signal perception

Xiufang Xin (CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, 

Jianfeng Li (Sun Yat-sen University,

Xiaorong Tao (Nanjing Agricultural University,

Xin Li (The University of British Columbia,

2. Immunity receptor and effector biochemical activity/function

Jianmin Zhou (Yazhouwan National Laboratory,

Wenbo Ma (The Sainsbury Laboratory,

3. Plant-microbe and insect symbioses

Zhaosheng Kong (CAS Institute of Microbiology,

Xuelu Wang (Henan University,

Junbo Luan (Shenyang Agricultural University, 

4. Plant microbiome and microbe-microbe Interactions

Yang Bai (Peking University,

Xia Li (Huazhong Agricultural University,

Zhong Wei (Nanjing Agricultural University,

5. Plant-insect-natural enemy multitrophic interactions

Sibao Wang (CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences,

Xiaowei Wang (Zhejiang University,

Yanhui Lu (CAAS Institute of Plant Protection,

6. New technologies and frontiers: Systems and spatial biology in plant-microbe interactions

Zhonghua Ma (Zhejiang University,

Jun Liu (China Agriculture university,

Daohong Jiang (Huazhong Agriculture University,

7. Plant metabolism and immunity

Jie Luo (Hainan University,

Suomeng Dong (Nanjing Agricultural University,

8. Evolution of plant-insect/microbe interactions

Chengshu Wang (CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences,

Guirong Wang (CAAS Institute of Plant Protection, 

Jianhua Huang (Zhejiang University,

Bente Gunnveig Berg (Norwegian University of Science and Technology,

9. Emerging harmful organism and agroecology

Wenxian Sun (China Agriculture university, 

Youjun Zhang (CAAS Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, 

10. Plant resistance and crop molecular design

Xuewei Chen (Sichuan Agriculture University,

Guangcun He (Wuhan University, 

11. Biotic Plant Interactions for Crop Health

Xuexin Chen (Zhejiang University,

KL Heong (Fellow of The World Academy of Science,

Sessions talks (to be updated ......)

Session 1
SpeakerAffiliationTitle of Presentation
Yi LiFujian Agriculture and Forestry UniversitySensation of viral infection and initiation of antiviral   defense in rice
Yansong MiaoNanyang Technological University, SingaporePhase Separation in Host Immune Responses at the   Plant-Microbe Interface
Jian YeChinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of MicrobiologyTargeted Protein Stabilization Confers Citrus   Huanglongbing Resistance
Xianbing WangChina Agricultural UniversityPlant virus-encoded viroporins: biological functions and   inhibitor screening 
Yuelin ZhangSichuan UniversitySalicylic acid biosynthesis pathways in plants
Weijie HuangChinese Academy of Sciences, Center for Excellence in   Molecular Plant SciencesVector-borne bacterial pathogens dampen plant light   signaling to modulate plant-microbe-insect interactions
Xiaorong TaoNanjing Agricultural UniversityEffector triggered assembly of NLR ring-type E3 ligase   to induce immunity
Wei WangChinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Genetics and   Developmental BiologyWTS, a pericycle-expressed ion channel, safeguards the   stele to confer clubroot resistance
Jun LiuSun Yat-Sen UniversityThe antagonistic role of an E3 ligase pair in regulating   plant NLR-mediated autoimmunity

Session 2
SpeakerAffiliationTitle of Presentation
Rosa Lozano-DuranUniv TuebingenHostile takeover - Viral strategies to hijack a plant
Yu-hang ChenIGDBCa2+ channels in plant effector-triggered immunity
Li WanCEMPActivation of helper NLRs by TIR immune signaling
Federica LocciMPIPZHow not to die:a a TIR-NBS protein interacts with PAD4   to amplify and propagate immune signaling
Antonio MolinaUPM, MadridNovel insights into plant immunity and disease   resistance mechanisms triggered by cell wall-derived glycans: deciphering the   function of Leucine Rich Repeat-Malectin Receptor Kinases
Yan LiangZhejiang UnivA lectin receptor-like kinase controls xylem immunity
Yan WangNanjing Agr UnivA conserved Phytophthora apoplastic effector targets the   co-receptor BAK1 to dampen plant immunity
Jiejie LiBeijing Normal UniversityMyosin XI-mediated BIK1 recruitment to nanodomains   facilitates FLS2-BIK1 complex formation
Lei WangUniv BernNatural phytocytokines antagonist in tomato

Session 3
SpeakerAffiliationTitle of Presentation
Xiao-Li BingNanjing Agricultural University, ChinaRole of salivary proteins in endosymbiont-mediated   interactions between spider mites and plants
Hong-Wei ShanNinbo UniversityThe plant-sucking insect Riptortus pedestris selects   assembly of gut microbiota from environment to enhance host reproduction
Guan-Hong WangInstitute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of SciencesInsect microbial function mining and symbiotic   strategies to combat vector-borne disease
Hao ZhengChina Agr UnivIntegration of multi-omics technologies for   insect-microbiome study
Jian FengInstitute of Genetics and Developmental Biology (IGDB),   CASProcessing of NODULEINCEPTION controls thetransition to   nitrogenfixation in root nodules
Yuefeng GuanGuangzhou UniversityUnderstanding and improving symbiotic nitrogen fixation   in Soybean
Xu ChengAgricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen (AGIS) Exploringthe impacts of rhizosphere microbiomeon crop   growth
Zhe YanChinese Academy of Agricultural SciencesSingle-cell sequencing on soybean nodules identifies   genes facilitating rhizobium infection
Changfu TianChina Agricultural UniversitySymbiotic compatibility mediated by nonorthogonal   integration of key symbiosis genes in broad-host-range rhizobia
Fang XieCAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant ScienceTo be announced

Session 4
SpeakerAffiliationTitle of Presentation
Ville-Petri FrimanUniversity of HelsinkiPlant growth-promoting phages
Feng GuChina Agricultural UniversityCooperation and competition between AM fungi and   bacteria in mobilizing organic phosphorus in hyphosphere
Zhong WeiNanjing Agricultural UniversityStrigolactones-mediated holobiont immunity?
Yuting LiangInstitute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of SciencesMicrobial strategies for enhancing acidic red soil   quality and efficiency
Qing YangInstitute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of   Agricultural SciencesTo be announced
Jiatao XieHuazhong Agricultural UniversityPlant modifies fungal non-self recognition to facilitate   mycovirus transmission
Feng YuHunan UniversityReceptor kinases drive interactions between plant roots,   microorganisms, and soil
Mengcen WangZhejiang UniversityProtective interspecies signaling in the phyllosphere   microbiome
Xingang ZhouNortheast Agricultural UniversityVolatile-mediated positive interspecific plant   interaction restructures rhizosphere microbiota
Yang BaiPeking UniversityGenetic feature and functional potentials of crop root   microbiome

Session 5
SpeakerAffiliationTitle of Presentation
Shai MorinHebrew University of JerusalemStudying   phloem-feeding in whiteflies – from feeding site location to osmoregulation
Yule LiuTsinghua UniversityMolecular basis of methyl-salicylate-mediated plant  airborne defence
Yunhe LiHenan UniversityPlanthopper-induced  rice volatiles inhibit resistance against conspecifics in neighbouring plants
Haijun XiaoBeijing Forestry UniversityLandscape  impacts on the abundance and richness of pests and natural enemies in  small-holder rice ecosystems
Yingbo MaoChinese Academy of Sciences Center for Excellence in   Molecular Plant SciencesMirids  secrete a TOPLESS targeting protein to compete with cotton bollworms on  cotton plant
Ran LiZhejiang UniversityRole of primary and secondary metabolites in rice and brown planthopper interaction
Qian Chen Fujian   Agriculture and Forestry UniversityExploiting   salivary proteins of insect vectors: a viral strategy for transmission to  plant hosts
Bing WangInstitute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of   Agricultural SciencesThe  role of (E)-β-farnesene in tritrophic interactions: chemoreception and   evolution
Pengjun XuTobacco Research Institute, Chinese Academy of   Agricultural SciencesDensovirus   infection facilitates plant–virus transmission by an aphid
Jiang ZhangAgricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen, Chinese   Academy of Agricultural SciencesFriends or enemies: the role of Pseudomonas species in   the interaction between Salicaceae plants and insects 
Zongtao SunNingbo UniversityThe  role of intracellular lectin protein in vector insect-virus-rice host   interactions

Session 6
SpeakerAffiliationTitle of Presentation
Kenichi TsudaHuazhong Agricultural UniversityVirulence suppression by plant immunity and microbiota
David GuttmanUniversity of TorontoThe Adaptive Landscape of Pseudomonas   syringae Virulence
Fumi KatagriUniversity of MinnesotaHow can plants stay in this world while their pathogens   can evolve much faster?
Daohong JiangHuazhong Agricultural UniversityHypovirulence-associated mycovirus-mediated plant   vaccine and its application
Jun LiuChina Agricultural UniversitySingle-cell and spatial transcriptomics reveals a   stereoscopic response of rice leaf cells to Magnaporthe oryzae infection
Houxiang KangInstitute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agri   SciDevelopment of Machine Learning Methods for Accurate   Prediction of Plant Disease Resistance 
Huiquan LiuNorthwest A&F UniversityResolving conflicts: How the A-to-I RNA editing system   shaped the evolution of eukaryotic complexity
Tianqi ZhangNanjing Agricultural UniversitySingle-Cell Sequencing Analysis of Plant Immune   Responses to 'Long-Distance' and 'Short-Distance', 'New-Treatment' and   'Old-Treatment'
Patrick SchäferJustus Liebig UniversityRNA interference and priming in crop protection

Session 7
SpeakerAffiliationTitle of Presentation
Alberto MachoChinese   Academy of SciencesTo be announced
Yongli QiaoShanghai Normal UniversityA sweet story from Phytophthora-soybean interaction
Tiancong QiTsinghua UniversityActivation and function of the EDS1-PAD4-ADR1 immune   receptor complex in stomatal immunity 
Shoucai MaXianghu LaboratoryFinding novel regulatory mechanism that keeps plant   immune responses in check
Jong-Seong JeonKyung Hee UniversityTo be announced
Guotian LiHuazhong Agricultural UniversityPhospholipids in plant immunity
Junli WangMax Planck InstituteGlutamate receptor-like channels (GLRs) are required for   effector-triggered immunity in Nicotiana Benthamiana
Gang LiNanjing Agricultural UniversityRescuing mycotoxin-hijacked metabolic flux confers   resistance to the crop fungal disease 
Yuese NingCAAS Plant Protection InstituteThe E3 ubiquitin ligase OsRING113 ubiquitinates the   metabolite-related bZIP transcription factor APIP5 to enhance broad-spectrum   disease resistance in rice
Zhenhua LiuShanghai Jiaotong UniversityEvolution of defensive natural products in plants

Session 8
SpeakerAffiliationTitle of Presentation
Bente Gunnveig Berg Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyCoding of odor valence in the olfactory system of the   heliothine moth
Taiyun WeiFujian Agriculture and Forestry UniversityThe mechanism of phloem-inhabiting unculturable bacterial pathogens transmission by insect vectors
Weiguo FangZhejiang UniversityChemical ecological interactions between the insect   pathogenic fungi Metarhizium and insects
Xiaoyue HongNanjing Agricultural UniversityEndosymbionts manipulate the reproduction and fitness in spider mites
Lilin ZhaoInstitute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of SciencesChemical adaptive interaction among pinewood nematodes, its vector beetle, associate microbes and pine trees
Haijian HuangNingbo UniversitySaliva improves planthopper feeding by suppressing plant   defenses
Chengshu WangCAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plants   Sciences Insect-Fungus interactions byond bilateral regimes
Guirong WangAgricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen, Chinese   Academy of Agricultural SciencesMethyl eugenol regulates mating behavior in oriental fruit flies by enhancing lek attractiveness
Yazhou ChenHuazhong Agricultural UniversityBrown planthoppers translocate lncRNA transcripts into rice plants to promote colonisation
Alexander J. McClellandThe Sainsbury Laboratory ,Norwich, UKA  Plant Protease Targets Outer Membrane Proteins of Bacterial Pathogens

Session 9
SpeakerAffiliationTitle of Presentation
Wenxian SunJilin Agricultural UniversityMolecular mechanisms underlying Ustilaginoidea virens pathogenicity
Wenming WangSichuan Agricultural UniversityParasitic mechanisms by which Ustilaginoidea virens colonizes rice flowers
Frank ZhaoWashington State UniversityImplication of large chromosomal inversions in the   evolution of Erwinia amylovora genome
Zhaojiang Guo Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Academy of   Agricultural SciencesWhy can the "super pest" whitefly thrive on   over 600 host plants?
Fangfang LiInstitute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of   Agricultural SciencesThe RNA of tobamovirus encodes additional viral proteins
Yutao XiaoAgricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen, Chinese   Academy of Agricultural SciencesAdaptive evolution of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E.Smmith)   for Bt maize
Xuefeng WangSouthwest UniversityEffectors from Huanglongbing-associated pathogen   manuipulate autophage to promote bacterial infection
Hetan ChangAgricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen, Chinese   Academy of Agricultural SciencesTo be announced
Haiyang LiHenan Agricultural UniversityEmerging Fusarium pseudograminearum: pathagenesis and   interaction with whea
Yi XuNanjing Agricultural UniversityUnraveling the mystery of soybean stay-green syndrome

Session 10
SpeakerAffiliationTitle of Presentation
Zhiyong LiuInstitute   of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Helper NLRs in Wheat Disease Resistance
Men YuanHuazhong   Agricultural UniversityRice R gene mining and breeding against bacterial   pathogens
Xinhua DingShandong Agricultural UniversityThe MYB transcription factor OsMYBxoc1
Wende LiuInstitute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of   Agricultural SciencesA typical protein degradation pathways: Attack and   defense strategies of rice and blast fungus
Kai WangInternational Rice Research InstituteMolecular Design of Rice with Multi-biotic Resistances
Jin FanYazhou Bay National LaboratoryThe Genes Involved in the Combat between Rice and False   Smut Fungus
Guoyong XuWuhan UniversityDefense strategies for plant health: disease tolerance   versus resistance
Xiao LinInstitute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of SciencesHunting crop resistance genes from the wild
Lei ZhaoNorthwest A&F UniversityStrategies of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus to Facilitate   Viral Infection by Suppressing Wheat Immune Responses and to Promote Aphid   Transmission

Session 11
SpeakerAffiliationTitle of Presentation
Xiangzong MengShanghai Normal UniversityActivation of phytoalexin biosynthesis and secretion by   multilayered signaling pathways
Bo LiHuazhong Agricultural UniversityThe Mechanism of Phytopathogen Transmission in Plant   Xylem and Innovations in Anti-Vascular Disease Strategies
Yanjun KouChina National Rice Research InstituteThe interaction between broad-spectrum blast resistance   gene Pi9 and avirulence factor AvrPi9
Mian ZhouCapital normal universityA novel pathogen effector hijacks the circadian clock to   perturb both plant development and immunity
Chengguo DuanCAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant ScienceNucleus - a new battleground in the arms race between   plants and pathogenic fuing
Jun-Bo LuanShenyang Agricultural University, ChinaMolecular and cellular basis of whitefly-bacteria   symbiosis
Tong ZhangSouth China Agricultural UniversityThe balance of rice viruses in inter-species   interactions
Yanjuan JiangYunnan UniversityRapid host cell acidification is a novel plant defense   response countered by the brown planthopper
Jieshun LinAarhus University, DenmarkA novel secondary signal-zinc mediates control of   nitrogen fixation via transcription factor FUN filamentation
Xiang SunShenyang Agricultural University, ChinaHamiltonella regulates whitefly fertilization by   influencing the expression of maternal gene tudor

Important Dates

Deadline for early-bird registration
July 15, 2024
Deadline for abstract submission
Sept. 15, 2024
Deadline for online registration
Sept. 15, 2024
Conference Date
Oct. 13-17, 2024

Contact Us

Resigtration | Xiqian Ye(叶熹骞)
TEL: 0571-88982621
Program, Sections | Yun Chen (陈云)
TEL: 0571-88982106
Posters | Jianhua Huang (黄健华)
TEL: 0571-88982676
Accommodation | Yanni Yin (尹燕妮)
TEL: 0571-88982532
Secretariat | Wenwu Zhou (周文武)
TEL: 0571-88982782